2015年1月4日 星期日

Research Skills Big6 - Step 6. Evaluation

  • Judge the product (effectiveness) 
  • Judge the information problem-solving process (efficiency)
You should be the first person to evaluate your own work. Ideally you will have finished your project in advance enough to check it thoroughly. After that, you could ask a classmate or family member if they have time to do it. Then,when you turn it in to the teacher to evaluate and grade, you will know it is the best work that you wanted to do.

This evaluation depends on a lot of different criteria. Some of the criteria might be written by the teacher in the assignment. Some of them might be artistic decisions like the effectiveness of an informational poster, or the literary quality of a play or poem. Some of the criteria are common sense.

Here is a list of the common sense criteria to evaluate for yourself.

1. Correct spelling
2. Overall neatness
3. Parts in a logical and correct order, nothing missing
4. Borrowed material properly cited
5. Any thesis statements or arguments have been supported
Assessment  tools
  • RubiStar Maker - Make your own rubric by selecting different categories from this excellent online tool.

